Soft skills are non-technical skills that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with others. They can be vital in impacting company culture, mindsets, leadership, attitudes and behaviours.
This could be the difference between you advancing in your career and is often something that employers look for when hiring. You need the hard skills to land a job, but soft skills are what help you progress in your career.
Here are a few of the most critical soft skills that will ensure you have a successful career:
Team player skills: This is a critical part of your everyday role, especially as the majority of jobs require a lifetime of collaboration.
Openness to feedback : When it comes to the workplace, being open and able to receive feedback is critical to being successful at your job - this is especially applicable when in a new role.
Communication: The ability to communicate effectively with superiors, colleagues, and staff is essential, no matter what industry you work in.
Decision-Making: As your career progresses, this could be a fundamental part of your role, however it takes practice and strategy.
Problem-Solving: Problem-solving, along with decision-making, is one of the most important leadership soft skills.
However, due to the current global crisis, here are the five soft skills you need for remote working.
Advice from DSJ Global: A lot of hiring managers no longer search for technical skills only, rather there is now a growing emphasis on the importance of soft skills. Reach out to one of our consultants to find out what skills are most needed in your area of expertise.

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